No Way!

No Way!

Re-edit of our 2011 official entry for the Doritos Super Bowl Contest.
Chantal Harvey & Tony Dyson,  a production.

Awesome voice over work from Brian Albury and Liat Reina!
Tony wrote the story-line, and directed. I filmed and edited. The filming was done in Second Life, and it was absolute fun to do. We ran into many problems, I remember the frustration as Tony and Judi Newall (who handled the dragon avatars) would position their avatars in a straight line, but I would see them pointing sideways. I saw the dragon distorted in crazy positions, while they both insisted the dragon was flying around and looking fine. My recording software (Fraps) ate the frame rate, and the scripts caused lag, it messed up my camera view – and as I am the camera, what I see is what will be on the film…. I ended up clearing cache and logging out and back in, at least 15 times an hour, to get maybe 8 seconds of good film. It all came together when Markus Parker-Rhodes (yes, the Monty Pythons Flying Circus animator) created the scripted breaking glass prop for us. Ok, the glass would break too soon or too late, but we got it in the end.

We submitted the film for the Superbowl Doritos Contest in 2011, and it was disappointing to hear we didn’t make the selection. We published it anyway, under the title: Dad saved the Day.

I found the original files when clearing one of my hard-drives, and decided to have another go at it. Tony, I hope i did justice to the film 🙂

(click the picture to watch)

No Way!









Tony Dyson, my personal memorial tribute.

In memory of Anthony John Dyson (1947 – 2016)
Best known for being R2-D2s ‘Dad’.

BBC Archives (1984) showing THIS

His website is gone, but archived here.
His facebook page.

Tony was honoured at the BAFTA 2017 ceremony.  The British Academy of Film and Television Arts gave credits to the man that created R2D2 for Star Wars, and one of my own photographs was used for this. (with permission, of course!). Aired on BBC television on February 12, 2017. He would have loved this!

In memory of Tony Dyson


Special Effects Designer
13 April 1947 to 3 March 2016

A British special effects designer and expert in robotics, Dyson’s first film job came designing the jetpacks for Moonraker (1979). He was best known for the R2-D2 robots for Star Wars (1977), which included remote control versions, stunt versions, and models that could seat performer Kenny Baker.

I worked with Tony since 2011, we met online in Second Life, and he agreed to be head of jury for the 48 Hour Film Project Machinima. We soon started creating machinima together, which he called ‘real time animation’. In 2013 we met in Malta, and I quit my day-job to work full-time on producing animated shorts and e-books with Tony. We met again in Finland for the Robotics conference, and later in Gozo, Xlendi, where we rented an office together.

Tony was more than a tutor, he was my inspiration and best friend. There are plenty of stories to tell about him, and our projects, but today I will share a personal memory.

Today, March 7th, 2016 – just 6 days before his 69th birthday – his ashes will be spread in Gozo.

To honor Tony, and the bond we had, I am sharing the only photograph that shows both of us together (I took hundreds of photo’s of Tony) and a poem he wrote for me, years ago.



Dawn has gone
Dusk is upon us once again
Swallows are resting
Bats are hunting
The Night Angels prepare our spirits for flight

Only our soul knows the true journey ahead
Only our soul knows our deepest desires
So listen to my voice and see my dreams unfold
For I will be heard above life’s din
I am mortal of flesh and bone and will have my time before I die
To see the colors of the rainbow up high

Touch me not with gold so bright,
Touch me not with ebony so dark
Touch me not with marble so cold
Touch me not with hands so eager
But touch my heart with love and truth and I will be yours for ever, Chantal.






Tony Dyson.

Au revoir, Tony Dyson.
Tony passed away on March 2, 2016.



I am thankful for the years we worked together and everything that he taught me, and for the inspirational roller-coaster ride that started when we met in Second Life in 2011.

Tony became my friend, teacher and business partner and we started a film production company called Scissores, producing machinima or as Tony called it: Real Time Animation.

Tony became head of jury when I produced the 48 Hour Film Project Machinima.
After working together online for 2 years,  we met in Finland and later in Gozo (Malta) and started working on educational and promotional machinima shorts and a book ‘Clive & Sue and the Medieval Farm’.
We created The Bobbekins movie, an animated short film, which I will be submitting to festivals soon.
While carrying on with our machinima work, nobody will miss you as much as I do.
With a different view on the world since we met, I thank you for re-activating the artist in me.

Some of our films:
Their time will come
It’s great to be alive
Robotworld, Sam and Sam
Android Love
Artists in the desert


Panelists at CynKids tablet webinar shared some terrific insights on best practices to expand brands into the tablet realm.


bobbekins-chantal-harvey-tabletSome highlights:
–  Kids are finding their way to brand websites through tablet apps. As of March, PBS Kids is getting 13 million unique visitors a month, many directly from apps, said Abby Jenkins, director of content for PBS Kids Digital.


“We like to show variety in our apps, different characters, different aspects of the curriculum” to attract a variety of kids and parents, she said.

–  Discover-ability remains a challenge. “This is the biggest issue when developing apps for tablets,” said Caroline Fraser, VP, digital products and production, at Scholastic Media. Scholastic releases apps around big programming events and anniversaries, “so we have increased marketing muscle around them.”

–  When developing an app, don’t overlook the unique ergonomics of a 3-year old. “It’s very difficult for kids to move around with a heavy tablet,” said Mindy Brooks, Sesame Workshop director of research and education. “We don’t allow for tilting and moving the tablet within apps.” The other reason Sesame says no to tilting: “We don’t want the kids dropping and shattering mom’s iPad.” Fair enough.

–  Kids are interacting with content across multiple, emerging platforms. Keep up. “Technology is anything that was developed after you were born,” said Graham Farrar, president of Cupcake Digital’s iStoryTime. “You ignore a platform at your peril.”

Source: Cynopsis media.


Bobbekins are on the right track


On January 24, an American survey of 1,500 parents of kids 2-10 by The Joan Ganz Cooney Center, founded by Sesame Workshop, tells us that 57% of these parents believes their children learn significantly from educational media. The parents also state that learning from mobile devices falls short when compared to other platforms.

The study, Learning at Home: Families’ Educational Media Use in America, speaks of a drop in educational media use after the earliest years.

As screen media use goes up, the proportion devoted to educational content goes down, from 78% of all screen media among 2-4-year-olds to 39% among 5-7-year-olds to 27% among 8-10-year-olds.

Remember; at a young age the parents provide the choice of media, but as soon as the child gets to choose, things change dramatically. Key is creating and providing higher quality and more fun media, as it tells us that non educational content is more fun. I wonder why there has been so little improvement in for example e-books for children, there are of course exceptions, but mostly they still show pretty primitive animations. Kids will not settle for that, not anymore.

I agree with Dr. Michael H. Levine, the Center’s exec director. “As we work to raise education standards and improve students’ success, we must provide higher quality media options-especially on mobile-that will help engage and educate today’s older children.”



Among other key findings:

–  2-4-year olds spend more time per day on educational media than any other age group – 1 hr, 16 mins compared with 50 minutes for 5-7-yr-olds and 42 minutes for 8-10-yr-olds.

–  Television continues to dominate, with children spending an average 42 minutes a day with educational TV compared to 5 minutes with educational content on mobile devices and computers and 3 minutes with educational video games.

–  39% of parents say their child has learned “a lot” about any subject from mobile compared to 52% for TV.

–  Children are reading an average 40 minutes per day, including 29 minutes with print, 8 minutes on computers, and 5 minutes using e-platforms.

–  There are significant differences among racial groups. Both African-American (60%) and Hispanic-Latino (52%) parents are more likely than White (37%) parents to consider interactive media a very or somewhat important source for the lessons their children most need to learn.


Tony Dyson, the man behind R2-D2

Tony Dyson, the man behind R2-D2, the most lovable little robot in the world, is now casting his magical spell on the world of children’s e-Books by adding advanced animation on every page. Welcome to the world of Bobbekins.

One of the most innovative ideas for children’s e-Books this year, the magical world of Bobbekins is true to the style of storytelling of old, but designed for children of today.

It speaks from the heart and minds of its authors of magical worlds and dreams that can come true, but it never speaks down to your child in any way.

The man behind Star Wars R2-D2. The versatile Emmy nominated Film SFX supervisor is the creative genius at the helm of many of the biggest SCI-FI movies to date. Among them are Superman 2, Moon Raker, Dragon Slayer, and of course, The Empire Strikes Back. “Professor Anthony John Dyson obss”

When it comes to Robot technicians Tony is quite unique, as well as building one of the most famous Robots ever, R2-D2 he has also designed and built Robots for some of the largest electronic companies in the world, for example Sony, Philips and Toshiba.

You can also find examples of his creations on permanent display in one of the most prestige’s museums in the world ‘Smithsonian Institution’ and R2-D2 was one of the very first Robots to be honored in the ‘Carnegie Mellon University’ Robot Hall of Fame and Tony was also Nominated for an ‘Emmy’ for the Sony television commercial.

Netdreamer Publications are doing it right


On January 24, an American survey of 1,500 parents of kids 2-10 by The Joan Ganz Cooney Center, founded by Sesame Workshop, tells us that 57% of these parents believes their children learn significantly from educational media. The parents also state that learning from mobile devices falls short when compared to other platforms.

The study, Learning at Home: Families’ Educational Media Use in America, speaks of a drop in educational media use after the earliest years.

As screen media use goes up, the proportion devoted to educational content goes down, from 78% of all screen media among 2-4-year-olds to 39% among 5-7-year-olds to 27% among 8-10-year-olds.

Remember; at a young age the parents provide the choice of media, but as soon as the child gets to choose, things change dramatically. Key is creating and providing higher quality and more fun media, as it tells us that non educational content is more fun. I wonder why there has been so little improvement in for example e-books for children, there are of course exceptions, but mostly they still show pretty primitive animations. Kids will not settle for that, not anymore.

I agree with Dr. Michael H. Levine, the Center’s exec director. “As we work to raise education standards and improve students’ success, we must provide higher quality media options-especially on mobile-that will help engage and educate today’s older children.”


Among other key findings:

–  2-4-year olds spend more time per day on educational media than any other age group – 1 hr, 16 mins compared with 50 minutes for 5-7-yr-olds and 42 minutes for 8-10-yr-olds.


–  Television continues to dominate, with children spending an average 42 minutes a day with educational TV compared to 5 minutes with educational content on mobile devices and computers and 3 minutes with educational video games.

–  39% of parents say their child has learned “a lot” about any subject from mobile compared to 52% for TV.

–  Children are reading an average 40 minutes per day, including 29 minutes with print, 8 minutes on computers, and 5 minutes using e-platforms.

The Bobbekins are here

Bobbekins are a magical race, a little like fairies and elves, but from a world far-far away.

They do spend a lot of time traveling from planet to planet, helping others. One day Bobby Bobbekin, that’s Sue and Clive’s father, found this amazing world that he named ‘Toy City’.  He had never seen anything like it, ever. Right from the very first time he saw it, it was like a dream come true. The city had something that the Bobbekins had been wishing for, for a long-long time; somewhere that they could call their home.



Vancouver, Washington – USA
August 14 to 18, 2013

March 18, 2013 – Late Deadline



A unique and fast-growing community arts and culture festival, CGIFF brings together filmmakers, screenwriters, actors, and artists from around the world to participate in a free-to-attend and open-to-all event packed with screenings, workshops, and panels, right in the heart of beautiful Vancouver, Washington.

CGIFF showcases a variety of local, national, and international films, exhibiting a broad range of work about current affairs and relevant topics that directly affect communities. The Festival welcomes student, independent, and professional works of all genres, and features red carpet premieres, screenings with Q&As, and live music showcases. CGIFF also honors films, filmmakers, and screenwriters with a number of awards for outstanding achievement. In its first four seasons, CGIFF has presented over $20,000 USD worth of cash and prizes.

CGIFF is a non-profit project from Angaelica, an arts- and ecology-oriented collaborative designed to promote the ability of individual communities to achieve powerful social good. Angaelica’s efforts support artists, collaborative projects, and ecologically sound farming, all under the banner of creating a stronger, healthier, more interconnected global culture.

Click here to SUBMIT your work

Scratch International Film Festival

Scratch! International Animation Film Festival – (2nd Edition)

14/15 June 2013 – Lecce (Italy)
Scratch! is an International Animation Film Festival at second edition open to short movies (max. 20 min).



This festival is exclusively an animation festival
Three competitive categories:
1) 3d/VFX.
2) traditional animation, 2d digital animation, mixed media, stop motion.
3) Music Videos.
Scratch! will take place in Lecce, Italy
Submission is free!

Deadline 30th of April 2013.
